TheGem Portfolios
Create stunning overviews of your works, projects & services. Add AJAX filters, custom fields and rich media to engage your audience. Present your deliverables in a creative way.

Layout Settings
Boost your portfolios with extended layout & design options. Achieve more conversions due to better user experience, better responsiveness, better design!

Layout Types

Grid Columns

Gaps & Spacings

Width Types

Caption Positions

Aspect Ratios

Advanced Queries
Use extended queries for portfolio items

Rich Media
Show videos, animated GIFs, galleries in portfolio loop

Easily customize the look of portfolio grid items
Portfolio Layouts
Select between justified grids, masonry grids and metro style project overviews. Use creative grids to build attractive catchy grid layouts. Insert portfolio lists for more formal look. Customize everything in grid appearance directly in page builder of your choice.
Caption Positions
Create project overviews in a flexible creative way showing project captions on different positions. You can choose to display project title & description, categories, project details etc. below the project image, on project image or on image hover.

Below Image

On Image

On Image Hover
Pagination Types
Choose from three different pagination types. Display your portfolio grid with classic numbered pagination or add a "Load More" button or enable infinite scrolling pagination to load projects on scroll dynamically.

«Load More»

Infinite Scroll

Hover Types
Choose from multiple creative hover effects included in TheGem portfolio grid to stand out from your competition.

Cyan Breeze

Zooming White

Horizontal Sliding

Vertical Sliding


Circular Overlay
Loading Animations
Enhance the loading experience of your portfolio overview with beautiful modern animation effects.

Fade In

Fall Perspective



Move Up

Awesome Projects
Portfolio Grid helps you to add beautiful project overviews on any page as creative customizable grids. Enhance the look of your portfolios with TheGem.

Impress Your Customers With Stunning Portfolios From TheGem Theme!