Autoplay Example
TheGem portfolio items support multiple rich display formats in grid, including videos. Create amazing dynamic video grids using video autoplay option.
Play On Hover Example
Alternatively you can set the project videos to play on hover. You can activate preloading to speed up the video start. Just hover the items below to see this in action.
Open In Lightbox
Additionally, you can use the "Open in Lightbox" option to show your videos in a lightbox. Click on tzhe play button to see this in action.
2022 - 2023
GIORGI familybusyness
3D Graphics
Youtube & Vimeo
Besides the self-hosted videos you can also use YouTube and Vimeo videos to be displayed in portfolio grid with autoplay, play on hover on open in lightbox options. Click on play button to check this out.
Create Stunning Animated Portfolios With Awesome TheGem Theme!